Saturday, September 15, 2012

Let's Talk Love...

So there was a post on Facebook that read, "Love is...." so I thought long and hard before I replied so here is my answer, "Love just 'is' previously posted... It's simple but yet like many things we make it complicated. Things like hurt, disappointment, and scorn taint our perception of it." I omitted the last part because it's irrelevant. He wasn't asking a question though although many like myself did leave a comment of what we think love is. Here I'm going to elaborate on the subject or at least my perception of the subject. As I previously stated love is simple, we as people make it hard. Think of children and pets in this example, children and pets love unconditionally. Believe it or not, we teach our children how to love or in better terms, pass on our interpretation of love. Some people mistreat their children or their pets but despite that, the child or pet will still cry when remove out of said adult's care. Kind of baffles the mind doesn't it?! There are often stories of children removed from their parents' care for mistreatment but they, ironically, ran away back to those parents who hurt them in the first place. This is why domestic violence/abuse is passed down through generations because that is how their parents' showed their 'love'. It's a sad and tragic cycle. So back to my main point. love in itself is simple. We are built to love. We do things we love which in turn become our hobbies, if not our jobs if we are lucky/blessed. Our idea of love slowly adjusts as we go thru life and experience various hurts and/or disappointments especially by the people who claim to 'love' us.

My ideal of love is that love is an action. Never just words, too many people have told me they loved me but their actions screamed differently. I have faced the fact that I am a hard person to love. I push people away but I don't know why, I just seem to have that knack for it. I'm the type of person that you don't have to spend a whole lot of money on... I'm all about being creative in displaying love. I guess you could classify me as a romantic. I would love to walk on the beach holding hands, relax in the park, or chill in the house lounging on my partner, watching television or a movie. Let's cook together, have a water-gun fight, or just make-out like high school kids as long as we are spending time together, I'm happy. Now this doesn't mean we are hanging together both on our cellphones or laptops, ignoring each other. Show me you love me, if you know I'm sick call/text to see how I feel. Send me an email to let me know I'm on your mind. Communicate with me, to me there's nothing sexier than stimulating conversation. Tell me about the day, stories of days as kid and about family, and/or whatever we feel at the moment. I'm an emotion gal, as much as I try to hold it together some days, I just can't and all I want is just a hug... no words needed. I think my biggest flaw among many that I have is that I love too much. I do things for people that don't deserve it and that use me but why, despite how bad they make me feel, I do things in my ability because I know that they need me on some level. I love my child and I pray every day and night that I am teaching them to love correctly. Sorry for any rambling, I have a tendency to do that too. :)

Until next time readers....